第一步:打开Github->在搜索框输入你想要的主题名称Icarus->点击All GitHub->选择收藏量最多的搜索结果打开->点击Clone or download->为了方便,这里我们选择Download ZIP->将下好的压缩包解压到你指定的位置得到文件夹hexo-theme-icarus-master->将文件夹复制到themes文件夹下
widgets: - # Widget name type: profile //个人简介区域 # Where should the widget be placed, left or right position: left //位置可自行设置,我都放置在左边 # Author name to be shown in the profile widget author: 张之卿 # Title of the author to be shown in the profile widget author_title: 为了那个梦想 # Author's current location to be shown in the profile widget location: 安徽-桐城 # Path or URL to the avatar to be shown in the profile widget avatar: # Email address for the Gravatar to be shown in the profile widget gravatar: # Whether to show avatar image rounded or square avatar_rounded: false # Path or URL for the follow button follow_link: 'https://github.com/zazdream' //“关注我”的跳转链接 # Links to be shown on the bottom of the profile widget social_links: //个人社交区域 Github: //我的GitHub的图标及链接,关于图标的使用和更换请查看我的备注(2) icon: fab fa-github url: 'https://github.com/zazdream' E-mail: //我的邮箱的图标及链接 icon: fab fa-envira url: 'mailto:[email protected]' Weibo: //我的微博的图标及链接 icon: fab fa-weibo url: 'https://weibo.com/u/5013594041' RSS: //网站RSS的图标及链接 icon: fas fa-rss url: /atom.xml - # Widget name type: toc # Where should the widget be placed, left or right position: left - # Widget name type: links //相关链接区域 # Where should the widget be placed, left or right position: left //位置可自行设置,一般选择左边 # Links to be shown in the links widget links: 我的CSDN首页: 'https://me.csdn.net/weixin_42146857' 我的B站首页: 'https://space.bilibili.com/29187794' - # Widget name type: category //分类 # Where should the widget be placed, left or right position: left - # Widget name type: recent_posts //最新的文章 # Where should the widget be placed, left or right position: left - # Widget name type: tagcloud //云标签 # Where should the widget be placed, left or right position: left